Life Update - Why I haven't posted in a while

Hi Lovelies!

So i'm sure you've noticed that I haven't been that active on both my blog and my Youtube lately, so I thought i'd let you guys know why and give you a little update on whats going on in my life at the moment! 

I'm not going to lie to you I absolutely love blogging and making videos but i've recently been WAAY too busy to get anything done and also have been feeling a bit uninspired and frankly don't want to post anything i'm not 100% happy with!

I don't think i've told you guys but I work full time in retail as a the hours are not exactly great (anyone who's ever worked in retail will feel my pain). I've also been doing a night course in college on my day off which has taken up a lot of my time and i've also been having driving lessons aswell, so I haven't really had much free time and when I did have some I was completely exhausted! 

I've now finished my college course so I have a lot more free time so get some more content out there for you guys! I have been doing a VCTC theatrical and media makeup course which I have been LOVING! I had assessments for bridal makeup, period makeup and also fantasy makeup and I and so much fun with it! 

(Photos from my fantasy assessment) 

(Photos from my period assessment - 60's look)

(Photos from my bridal assessment)

Now that I have a lot more free time i'm hoping to get a lot more content out on my blog again and have quite a few posts already planned!

ashleigh xx


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