~My New Years Resolutions For 2017~

Heeeey lovelies!

So I know i'm a bit late for this post as it's now the 9th of January but I have been thinking that I should really write my goals and resolutions I want to stick to down in a blog post (That way I have more chance of actually sticking to them!) So below i'm going to talk about my new years resolutions!

1. Makeup Course

So firstly there's a theatrical makeup course i've been wanting to do for the longest time and I just keep putting it off, I am going to do it this year! I want to make time for things like this which I will enjoy and also means I can learn a lot more about a skill I am passionate about!

2. Photography 

I have a few really nice cameras and I don't particularly know how to use them that much. I love taking photos and to actually learn how to take beautiful photos would definitely benefit me not only to make my Instagram amaze.. but also to improve my blog as a whole. 

3. Pass my driving test/ Get a car

I reaaaaally need to start driving,  it would make me more independent and mean I wouldn't have to rely on public transport (which can be awful unreliable at the best of times) Also driving places is much quicker than making your way by public transport in Cardiff so it'd mean i'd get to do a lot more with my time!

4. Be me 

I really want to change my mindset this year and do what I love/want without worrying what people who's opinions should not matter to me at all think or say. I find that I worry a lot what people think of me and this can and has held me back from doing things I want to do which is really silly of me really, If people know & love me they will support me no matter what and if not then I really don't need them in my life and shouldn't value their opinion. 

5. Explore 

This year I want to go more places, even if that is just different cities. I haven't ventured out of Cardiff very much and I feel like I want to experience new places! I have planned to go to Thailand in the summer and hopefully I will plan a few weekends away to different cities with my friends/ boyfriend this year too!

6. Make more effort with people

I am the type of person that I'll be nice to everyone but I wont necessarily make an effort to get to know you and create a friendship with you. As awful as it sounds I have my friends and I don't really make an effort to make new ones. This year I want to change that and make more of an effort to get to know people and create new friendships. 

7. Save Money!

And finally, This year I really want to get organised with my finances! I spend waaaay too much money on food and makeup when I should really save it for my future! Since moving out of my flat and into my boyfriends my outgoings are pretty much non-existence, I literally have to pay my phone bill and that it, but I still find that I am not saving money! I need to stop eating out as much and stop treating myself to new makeup! It's fair to say already have enough! I also need to start making lunches for work for myself as I spend WAAAYY too much on McDonalds! 

I hope you enjoyed reading my new years resolutions, please let me know what some of yours are too!

ashleigh xx


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